Elke Luyten

Elke Luyten


The acclaimed Corporeal Mime artist performs material from her Three Pillar project, in which she is reviving and documenting historical Corporeal Mime pieces, including two by Etienne Decroux, the originator of the field. Luyten's (and Decroux's) discipline is a reactionary form of theater with a specific and unique vocabulary for [...]

Elke Luyten2015-07-27T00:35:20+00:00

Elke Luyten


A one-hour lecture/demonstration for adults. Elke and her colleague, Kira Alker, will perform some of the Decroux technique, show some video footage of Decroux and Thomas Leabhart, and show a selection from Elke's contemporary piece Happy Songs for Sad Days. About Corporeal Mime Developed by Etienne Decroux (1898-1991) in the [...]

Elke Luyten2015-07-26T23:49:03+00:00

Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present


The screening will be followed by a conversation with performers Brittany Bailey, Abigail Levine and Elke Luyten from the 2010 Museum of Modern Art exhibition “The Artist is Present.” About the Film Seductive, fearless, and outrageous, Marina Abramović has been redefining what art is for nearly forty years. Using her [...]

Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present2015-07-26T21:21:17+00:00
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